Not long ago, I read David Wondrich's Imbibe! It's an excellent read, and highly recommended. As a home cook and an inquisitive recreational consumer of tasty libations, I gathered a few like-minded friends, and we plan to drink our way through the book. Posts are likely to be infrequent, but hopefully chock-full of awesome, so your patience, reader, is appreciated.
We'll go more-or-less in order through the book, with the exception of the punches, which we'll save for more festive occasions or larger gatherings. I don't plan to post Wondrich's recipes verbatim, but I will post lots of information about what specifically we mixed (including which spirits and which brands), technique, and glassware. I'll also post our tasting notes on the drinks and their variations, and notes if we do side-by-side tastings of individual spirits or other ingredients. There will undoubtedly be some photos. I'm excited about your feedback too.
First up: the Fix, or Fix-Up. We'll do brandy, whiskey, Holland gin, and rum. Wondrich classifies them as the "lesser punches," but I'm excited...
Except as noted, wondRICH Club blog content by Rich Fulkerson, including text and images, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License.
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